

maybe you are the one we are looking for



maybe you are the one we are looking for

or you looking for us?

We focus on people with the potential for development. This company is based on good relationships, commitment, initiative and a desire for continuous self-improvement.

If you feel that this is also your culture of (co)work – join us.

„We hire people, not employees. I’m not a businessman, I’m an entrepreneur. For me, the most important thing is people.”

 Lukasz Wagemann | CEO


why choose us


why choose us?

Thousands of hours of collective deliberation on perfecting the highest quality exhibition systems are behind us.

We are a Polish company that is surging forward and setting trends in its industry in Poland and abroad. We are proud to influence the image and perception of many business giants we have been working with for years. Constantly, we want to have fun with WHAT we do and WITH WHOM we do it!



 who we are looking for?



 who we are looking for

We currently have no job offers. / Obecnie nie posiadamy otwartych ofert pracy



What does the recruitment process look like?



What does the recruitment process look like?

Here are some steps we will go through together.

You will get feedback from us after each step.

If the decision is YES – we will arrange the paperwork and set up the first day of work and sew onbroading for you

If the decision is NO – we let you know what guided us and/or you are asked to give honest feedback. After stage 2, we contact each person.

We call and/or write an email

We invite you to the first meeting with HR (online or in the office)

You are invited to meet the team leader (and team)

You stop by for a chat and we get to know each other

We make a decision



what are the benefits of working with us?

What are the benefits of working with us?

Impact on development

Internal recruitment, training, promotions – we create conditions for further improvement of competence.

International environment

We work with partners from all over the world and frequently exhibit at global trade shows.

We take care of your health

We provide a LUXMED medical care package.

Modern office

With convenient open space, kitchen, showroom, on-site production.

Employment contract or B2B

We will adjust to your needs.

Attractive salary

Adequate to your experience and discretionary bonuses for completing assigned tasks

We like to work together

We prefer to work from the office and personal contact. However, we do allow hybrid work when you need it.

No dress-code

We give space for you and your style.

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