Advertising and displays are our passion. Our passion is also accompanied by a desire to provide eco-friendly solutions. Economical and ecological. That is how the #wastelessdisplaymore campaign was created. You send us photos of the products you order in adsystem and in return we send you our bag.  

Join the companies that care about their image as they care about the environment.  


We were looking for the perfect way to help our clients find an advertising system that is perfect for them.  We were wondering what we could do to get customers to share their photos of their realizations with us. We also have been thinking about what we can give them for doing so. We like to come up with new products and tackle unusual projects, but this time we didn’t have to come up with anything new, but to take advantage of what has been going on at adsystem. for a long time. 

How did it all start?

The sewing ladies are incredibly creative people who can make something out of nothing. That’s when the bulb lit up. We didn’t have to reinvent the wheel, but use something that is already out there on a larger scale.  


Reusable #wasteless bags, many of them have been created before. Despite not talking about it, we were acting in the eco spirit among our adsystem team. We created cases, cosmetic bags, shopping bags, and backpacks.


There were legends about the miracle of our Sewing Ladies. Overheard stories were the answer to a nagging question asked at meetings of the marketing and sales department „what can we do to make customers want to share with us pictures of their projects?”. And so the creativity of the Sewing Ladies became the solution. 

Marketing took up the use of this solution. Within the first week of the idea being born, it appeared our Cutting Men were already gathering leftover materials in anticipation of THIS moment. 

These situations gave birth to another solution: the graphics department took the initiative to take care of the free spaces during graphics printing, and it turns out that systematically we can not only make different colored designs of #wasteless bags but also print in the free spaces those that represent the slogans of the action and our colors.   

How to get a bag and become #wasteless?


Take a photo with the bag and share with the world!

Don’t forget to tag #wastelessdisplaymore


Work in the same field? You can use our idea – it serves the greater good:)

adsystem sp. z o.o.

ul. Atramentowa 1155-040 Bielany Wrocławskie 

+48 672 672 000

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Adsystem Sp. z o.o. e-mail: export@adsystem.pl entered in the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for Wroclaw-Fabryczna in Wroclaw, VI Economic Department of the National Court Register under KRS: 0000229449, NIP:8942678597, REGON: 9326605970000, share capital 57500 zł.

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